Aug 14, 2016 | Essays
(adapted from the Babylonian Talmud) –Some of them claim a dream’s a prophecy, a kind of unread letter from God, but they’re just dreaming! Interpretation’s the only thing that matters. There’s a proverb: “The dream takes meaning from the mouth,” meaning that...
Aug 14, 2016 | Memoirs
Hebrew School Raymond P. Scheindlin I My maternal grandfather taught me my first Hebrew letters, the six that made up the masthead of the Yiddish daily Der Tog, as I sat on his knee. Although all four of my grandparents were most comfortable speaking...
Aug 14, 2016 | Memoirs
High Holiday Memoir Raymond P. Scheindlin I “You’ll be in the choir.” I was only about seven years old and didn’t really understand what the old man was talking about; but with those words he sent me down the path that led, five-and-a-half decades...